Energy strategy – 50No. unit development in Bournemouth, BH1

Syntegra Consulting appointed as Low Zero Carbon consultants to produce an energy strategy for a 50No. unit development in Bournemouth. The report consists of the following elements: 1) Proposed enhanced building fabric U-values/specifications and several LZC/renewable technology energy design strategies to  comply with the new Oct 2010 building regulations and mandatory minimum Code for sustainable […]

A boom for energy efficient lighting

One of the downturns of the global financial is that we will have to work more years than our parents and grandparents. Therefore, a comfortable working environment is vital and lighting is a major aspect of the working environment. A 60-year-old employee’s eyes receive only 40 percent as much light as a worker who is […]

The actual return on investment of PVs with Feed-In-Tarriffs

A lot has been said about ROI for PV installations. Everyone wants to know what kind of return they can expect on their PV installation. ROI is a tool, one of many, that helps to evaluate a potential investment and tells only a part of the story.  Of course, the financial ROI is better than ever […]