What is C-Plan
•C-Plan relates specifically to the carbon and energy impacts of proposed developments.
•Developers are required to provide information about the predicted energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of new developments and meet renewable energy or CO2 targets.
•C-Plan makes it easy for planning authorities to gather the right information from developers, to validate that information against their carbon reduction policy criteria and to monitor and report the outcomes on an authority-wide basis.
Contact Details: Carbon Planning – Notice for planning applicants
•C-Plan is a web-based service which helps assess the carbon impact aspects of new development.
•Three Rivers will shortly be requiring energy statements produced using C-Plan for new developments other than householder extensions and other minor applications.
•A formal timetable for introduction of C-Plan, including the training of staff, is currently being drawn up.
•Three Rivers will require applicants to demonstrate that their development will produce 25% less carbon dioxide emissions than Building Regulations Part L requirements with a minimum of 10% being provided by on site renewable and/or low carbon (i.e. CHP) energy supply systems.
Contact Claire May for more details 01923 727106 or visit http://www.carbonplanner.co.uk
You can contact this department directly by telephone or email:
Telephone no:
01923 727106
Fax no:
01923 896119
C Plan- Carbon Impact Assessment:
Three Rivers target is that developments are required to have at least a 25% CO2 below the 2006 Building Regulations Part L (this is equal to the 2010 Building Regulations TER Building1) with a minimum of 10% being provided by on-site renewable and/or low carbon (i.e. Combined Heat and Power) energy supply systems.
note 1- The TER (Target Emission Rate) is the minimum baseline level of emissions in kg of CO2 per m2 (estimated) that the building needs to achieve in order to comply with 2010 Building Regulations. The TER Building is the TER multiplied by the floor area for the total emissions for the building
Three Rivers’ Requirements
Three Rivers District Council has adopted a Core Strategy which sets out its requirements for submission of Sustainability Statements and Energy Statements online.
In order to ensure that all development is sustainable the Council will require all development proposals to include a CPLAN Energy and Sustainability Statement’2. This is a web based checklist that gathers the energy and sustainability data of development applications and provides a consistent method of assessing the extent to which development accords with the sustainability objectives, policies and targets of the Core Strategy
Requirements for Applicants•Applications for all new residential development of one unit and above and for all new commercial development will be required to submit a ‘CPLAN Energy and Sustainability Statement’3 demonstrating the extent to which sustainability principles have been incorporated into the location, design, construction and future use of proposals, and the expected carbon emissions.
•Applicants should demonstrate that their development will produce at least 25% less carbon dioxide emissions than Building Regulations Part L (2006) requirements with a minimum of 10% being provided by on-site renewable and/or low carbon (i.e. Combined Heat and Power) energy supply systems.
•In line with Government policy, where it can be proven that on-site renewable technology is not feasible, the Council will consider connection to a local, decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply as a substitute for on-site renewable energy technology.
note -2 Carbon Planner
note -3 CPLAN Energy and Sustainability Statement
***What information is required??***
Sustainability Statement:
The online Sustainability Statement is provided in a checklist covering a range of subjects has several categories including Waste, Material, Recycling and Biodiversity. Each category has a series of questions that relate specifically to the type of development proposal. Applicants are required to respond to the questions and may attach supporting documents to provide more details. Guidance is provided on the information required for each question.As each category is completed, a Red/Amber/Green indicator will be displayed based on the answers given. Once the applicant has completed the Sustainability Statement it can be submitted electronically to Three Rivers District Council
Energy Statement:
The online Energy Statement requires information to be provided on the predicted energy consumption of the development proposal along with details of any planned low or zero carbon energy sources. The question form is split down into the following sections: Development Details; Energy & TER (Target Emissions Rate); Energy Efficiency; Low & Zero Carbon Energy; and Feasibility. To complete the Energy Statement applicants need to know the predicted energy consumption of the development in kWh/yr for space heating, hot water, cooling and electricity, and the output (kWh/yr) of planned low or zero carbon energy sources. This information can be sourced from SAP and SBEM calculations or appropriate benchmark data.
Once the applicant has completed the Energy Statement, C-Plan’s technical support team will carry out a preliminary check on the data supplied to ensure all essential information has been provided. An energy statement will then be generated and displayed online via a ‘dashboard’. The applicant can then submit this to Three Rivers District Council electronically.