An Energy Statement shows how developments like yours can use renewable technology to lessen the site’s environmental impact. With many planning departments now requiring energy statements alongside SAPs or SBEMs for planning applications; we at Syntegra Consulting offer expert advice pertaining to your Energy Statements.
Local Planning Authorities are increasingly requiring an energy statement to be submitted as part of a planning application. This is often combined with a requirement to provide a reduction in carbon emissions from the energy use of the building through onsite generation of energy using low or zero carbon technologies (often referred to as renewable energy technologies). Typical reduction targets are currently between 10% and 20%.
At Syntegra Consulting we offer a complete Energy Statement Service to provide Energy Statements as required for a full planning application by most Local Authorities. Our extensive experience in renewable energy and energy efficient design ensures that our energy statements are of highest value to the design team and are not simply documents to support the planning application.