The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) main aims is to reduce demand for energy from industry, businesses and the public sector, to reduce the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 and helping households to cut their energy bills. Adopting ESOS the UK’s government meets the requirements set out in Article 8 EU Energy Efficiency Directive entered into force on 14 November 2012. The Directive requires that all EU member states to introduce a programme in order to regulate energy audits for large organizations. Over the next two years the UK government will introduce ESOS as a compulsory programme of regular energy audits in the case of large enterprises of which their overall energy consumption has to be assessed. These have to be undertaken by 5 December 2015, furthermore the audit has to be repeated every four years.
Syntegra Consulting is a leading energy consulting company in the UK- for further information about ESOS, please telephone +44(0)8450091625 or e-mail: