The European Commission have recently proposed that its plan to completely phase-out D-class halogen lamps by 2016 should be postponed by two years, bringing it to back to 2018. This has subsequently been agreed by EU Member States and will now go ahead.
The EC have specified that by switching from halogen lamps to LED, savings of around €115 per lamp could be made over a 20 year period; a payback period of one year. These savings are set to rise over the two year postponement period as the LED production industry becomes more competitive and affordable. Also, LED lighting is up to 5 times more energy efficient compared to halogen options. Once the phase out is complete, it is expected that the annual energy saving across Europe, will be 48TWh of electricity; equalling the total annual electricity consumption of Portugal.
These facts may make it difficult to understand why this postponement was granted, however the EC have justified the delay by stating it would not be realistic to expect LED technology to fully replace halogen lamps by 2016. It was also decided that more time was needed to allow the price of LED lighting technologies to fall. By implementing this two year delay, the EC have focused on the Energy Union’s goal to ensure a secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable alternative in LED lighting.
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