The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has published case studies showing the targets and positive impact of implementing a heat network. Cranbrook and Skylark in East Devon is one of the largest district heating systems outside London. When the development is completed in 2031, 8,000 homes, shops and businesses and 20,000 people will receive their heating and hot water from a centralised system which are distributed to individual properties via a series of insulated pipes. The system is expected save 13,000 tonnes of CO2 a year for the first 3,500 homes.
Sheffield City District Heating system is one of the UK’s oldest. Established in 1987, the network’s main fuel source is an energy from waste incinerator which diverts non-recyclable waste from landfill to power 2,800 homes and 140 buildings including a hospital, theatres (including the world famous Crucible, home of World Snooker Championships), City Hall. A network of 44km of pipes service the system. (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)
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