What policies will power post-Brexit Britain?

They say the only certainty in life is change – and within the myriad of discussions around Brexit and what might or might not happen, never a truer word has been spoken. We don’t know what post-Brexit Britain will look and feel like, but we do know it will be different. And that’s certainly the […]

Investing in efficiency: Energy efficiency in buildings- improving financing agenda

Undoubtedly, buildings consume roughly a third of total energy and thus, actions in order to minimise this energy consumption should be taken. Implementing energy efficiency in buildings could be one parameter. However, many are thinking of the cost and the pay-back period which at the moment is required to be up to two years. I […]

The Future of Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) Calculations

The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is a method for evaluating and comparing the energy performance of dwellings in the UK. They provide a standardised method to underpin the UK’s environmental policies relating to energy performance in dwellings. Based on predefined comfort and occupancy conditions, SAPs look at both the energy consumed by a dwelling and […]