The use of artificial lighting has become integral to many modern day uses; roads, streets, security, outdoor sports facilities and to improve the appearance of buildings at night. However, increased light levels at night can cause problems. With increasing complaints to local authorities, it is apparent that light pollution at night can become intrusive.
Light pollution takes on numerous forms. Intrusive light is that which is poorly directed and impacts upon a neighbouring property; for example, a security light directed towards a bedroom window. Skyglow is the cumulative orange glow over towns, cities or roads as a result of upward light. This unfortunately causes the night sky and stars to become less visible. If not designed correctly, artificial lighting can also negatively impact upon local wildlife, affecting behavioural patterns of mammals, birds, insects and fish. Light pollution can also be a tell-tale sign of wasted energy and money.
Reducing light pollution is now assessed under BREEAM and there are strict guidelines on levels of light pollution and management strategies. The amount of intrusive light that a building receives can be accurately measured and compared with these standards; indicating whether or not a property is subject to intrusive light. Syntegra Consulting offer both assessment and guidance on light pollution and its management. If you are concerned that your property is suffering from light pollution, or that your development might cause some degree of light pollution, our expert team are on hand to help you find the right solution.
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